Nick Isabella and Miki Vale may seem an unlikely pairing for this month’s cover shoot collaboration – a fitness photographer and hip-hop emcee. But Founder and Editor-in-Chief Arash Afshar had a vision, and the match works like magic.
Behind The Cover
Nick Isabella captures a special kind of respite
Words by: Revekka Balancier
Photos by: Nick Isabella

As Nick sets up a series of light stands, Miki and Kara Ghilarducci hang purple velvet curtains against the back of the stage to darken the room. Kara provides the meditation Mala Beads for today’s shoot and Nick talks through the concept.
“I want to capture Miki in her moment of respite. As an artist, we know that it is art that keeps us sane,” Nick says. “When I’m in my creative moment, when I know I’m on it – THAT is the feeling I want to recreate.”
"we know, it is art that keeps us sane"
Miki nods. It’s clear that she knows exactly what THAT feeling is; she and Nick are different types of artists, but they both find respite in their art.
Nick’s goal is to capture both the intensity and the quiet beauty of Miki’s performing. He explains the scene: the purple velvet, he says, will look almost black in the shot, because he will contrast it against pops of color – “soft, front light” that will shape the look of the scene and illuminate Miki’s expression.
“Of course,” Nick adds, “this was all just an idea until I walked in. You never know exactly what you are dealing with – but sometimes that’s part of the creative process. You just flow with it.”
Nick is inspired by his collaborators as well. Upon arrival at the cover shoot, he and Miki talk through their art forms, how art becomes a release and how rewarding the response to their work is above all.
"capture both the intensity and the quiet beauty of Miki’s performing"
“When someone says, ‘that looks amazing,’ that is my litmus test. That is why I’m doing this.” Nick leans forward, rising on his toes. “The positive response I get gives me energy, and then it is just this upward cycle of energy!”
Miki laughs in appreciation. She, too, speaks of the energy she gets from the crowd’s reaction during a performance. To hear more about audience response to her first play, how it came about, and more, check out our Respite Creator Spotlight.