Justified Hype is a modern creative, social and cultural endeavor that allows creators in our community to come together, realize visionary work and share their inspiration with the world.


Double Exposure: Photographers in Action – Arash Afshar shoots Nick Isabella

In our debut photo essay column, Photographers in Action, Nick Isabella is in perfect form as he shoots the cover of our June issue. Arash Afshar, ever cat like, captures his gregarious yet agile technique.


Arash Afshar on Producing Art | Justified Hype Magazine

Igniting Pride is the rallying cry of the Ignite collection photo shoot which provided Arash Afshar, photographer, an opportunity to offer his perspective on the creative process, making art vs allowing art to make itself.

Gay Rights Movement: Stonewall – Now | Justified Hype

From the Stonewall Inn riots of ’69 to the current termination of a catholic school teacher due to his sexuality, Jeffery Hoyle, gay rights activist, calls upon us to remember the past, celebrate today, and hope for tomorrow.


Spring Forward

Justified Hype members Photographer Sam Ramirez and Model Gina Calderoni, collaborate on a Spring-themed photo shoot.

Right Now

Burning Geometric Fever Dream Party Series comes to San Diego

Enter another world. The world of after hours after parties and psychedelic parties. DISORIENT’s Xylogen Qi provides that down the rabbit hole night with an immersive art experience for San Diego’s subculture.

Photo Essays

Ballerina looking at the camera with her left hand close to her neck; wearing a black long sleeve outfit and with her chest partially uncovered


Photo Essay: July 2019

See full essay


Photo Essay: May 2019

See full essay

On the Subject
of Renewal

Photo Essay

See full essay
