There is a path upon which every pyro is set,
at some point in time.
A love for warmth, for heat,
for fire - does not necessarily mean
a need for smoke, for danger,
for destruction.
Fire burns, yes, and fire melts,
and let us not forget, fire molds.
Fire molds even the hardiest of iron
and it molds the most delicate of glass.
When wielded by an artist, who must
appreciate and revere the fire as much
as the pyro, fire is a tool, a craft, a passion.
And as passions tend to do, once ignited,
the flames flicker and dance and spread.
Passions that burn blue hot
with intention give way to creation.
And as creators, we are at our best when
we share our passions, our creations,
and our skills with the world.
In doing so, we might just be able to
spark that same ember in others.
We know not what wildfire may ensue
in the heart of just one other when exposed
to the right mix of art, skill and compassion.
But if we ignite a passion in another, just one other,
a passion that burns strong enough to inspire
late nights and twilight mornings…
if we can ignite a fire so strong it has
the power to mold, how can we not
but use it to mold?
Do we not all have a love
for warmth, for heat, for fire?
Let us all create.